Welcome to Sheep Dog Impact Assistance
Western North Carolina Chapter
About Sheep Dog Impact Assistance
SDIA is simply a desire to help people who need it, when they need it. SDIA was founded by a military professional, and somewhat in the spirit of a Marine Corps Quick Reaction Force — a small, flexible and reactive relief force focused on responding to need in a timely and effective manner.
The basis for this effectiveness is in its leadership and members — military, emergency and law enforcement professionals. These are people who have both a natural desire to serve and protect their fellow citizens, as well as the training and skills to do so effectively. They are the muscle, backbone, and heart of Sheep Dog.
SDIA WNC is a chapter of Sheep Dog Impact Assistance
The Western North Carolina Chapter of SDIA supports and promotes the national mission on a local and regional level. SDIA /WNC's primary mission is to assist our fellow Sheep Dogs In Need. From financial assistance in times of hardship to simply reaching out with a phone call or visit to let them know someone cares. We pride ourselves with our esprit de corps, camaraderie, and the desire to serve.
Service does not have to end after you stop wearing your uniform. Whether you are military, law enforcement, fire, or EMS, you have a natural desire to serve and SDIA provides you the opportunity to continue to serve your brothers, sisters and community. Our Mottos are "Helping Others Is A Way Of Life", and "Helping is Healing”. Come visit during one of our meetings, or contact us for more information.
Funds raised or donated stay here in WNC to support our Sheep Dogs and their families.